One of the essential elements in landscaping is irrigation. It is necessary to provide plants with a steady supply of water for optimal growth and development, especially in the summer months. Depending on the type of terrain and purpose, there are different systems of irrigation systems for gardens and gardens. Most often systems, automatic sprinkler irrigation and drip systems, and combinations of the two systems per zone.
Irrigation equipment RainBird
We work with the Rain Bird automatic irrigation system, and we design various irrigation systems with warranty and maintenance, which is extremely important before winter to preserve the system and re-start the system in the spring.
The price of irrigation
The cost of irrigation varies from system to system. To calculate the price, we need: the exact dimensions of the surface in inches !!, the water source indicated (how much pressure, flow and which type of pipe it is), and a couple of terrain pictures. It is best to give us a call and we will record the parameters and sizes that we need.
Irrigation procedure
The first stage of the irrigation design is to go out into the field and take a detailed picture of the terrain and plants that will be located in the field. It is necessary to record the terrain, determine the positions of lawns, plants, accurately measure all the surfaces in order to optimally adjust the sprinklers and determine the zones. Water flow and pressure should also be determined. This is followed by the development of a project that implements the irrigation system and remains in the investor’s documentation so that one can always get an insight into the positions of all parts of the irrigation system.
Irrigation project
The irrigation project needs to be done precisely because of the quality of the job performance and accurate budgets, but also because of subsequent documentation and possible repairs. Without a project, it is frivolous to approach the performance of an irrigation system. The irrigation project shows the positions of the sprinkler, pipe route, valve box positions, automatics, drip irrigation pipes.
Irrigation servicing
With us you get regular maintenance and service support. If there is damage to the sprinkler during mowing, pipe damage during some construction digging, you have our support in the form of repairing damage to the garden irrigation system, gardens.
It is mandatory to empty the system before winter and low temperatures due to the possibility of freezing and cracking of parts in the system, and re-commissioning before the season.